Please note that on February 23, 2021, the exhibition “Mending distances and places.
For a shared everyday life ” which will be held at the African Museum in Verona.
Alteritas is involved in the two-year action-research project, which stemmed from the common interest expressed by a plurality of partners (Department of Cultures and Civilizations of the University of Verona, Alteritas, Verona OFF Photographic Association, CESTIM, Fondazione Nigrizia Onlus – African Museum of Verona, Ad Maiora Association, TinlĂ© Cooperative, COSPE Onlus) in promoting forms of coexistence and mutual recognition between refugees and host communities.
It moves from the need, perceived as pressing in the historical and political framework we are currently going through, to restore centrality and narrative capacity to the individual experiences of refugees, that is, to subtract their life stories from the generalizations of the chronicle in order to re-deliver them to the personal dimension, in which the worldviews and incorporated knowledge inherited from previous lives can become tools of insertion and recognition in the countries of destination.