Permanent Seminar on Ancient Religions
Organising Committee: Tommaso Poggi, Simona Marchesini
Scientific Committee: Alessandro Campus – University of Rome Tor Vergata, Gian Franco Chiai – Université de Limoges, Maria Cruz Gonzáles Rodríguez – Universidad del País Vasco, Simona Marchesini – Alteritas, Paola Palmentola – University of Bari Aldo Moro, Gaby Waxenberger – Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen – LMU München.
You can follow lectures on Zoom after registering at
The lectures are however available for streaming on the Alteritas Facebook page and, within a few days, on the YouTube channel.
29.01.2024 5 p.m. – Gian Franco Chiai (Université de Limoges) La religione frigia e i Greci.
04.03.2024 5 p.m. – Giovanni Mastronuzzi (University of Salento), Archeologia dei culti nella civiltà messapica – Part I.
25.03.2024 5 p.m. – Giovanni Mastronuzzi (University of Salento), Archeologia dei culti nella civiltà messapica – Part II.
26.04.2024 5 pm – Gaby Waxenberger (Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen/LMU München), Runes on the Ruthwell Cross in Dumfriesshire.
10.06.2024 5 pm Éamonn Ó Carragáin (University College Cork), Bede, his scholarly circle, the Dream of the Rood and the Ruthwell Cross.
28.06.2024 5:00 p.m. – Maria Cruz González Rodríguez (Universidad del País Vasco), Cultos locales y religión en la Hispania Céltica: el ejemplo del noroeste.
09/23/2024 5:00 pm – Alessandro Campus (University of Rome Tor Vergata), Sacrifici umani fenici: appunti su un problema.
10/25/2024 5 pm – Igor Baglioni, Ilaria Biano, Chiara Crosignani, Presentation with the authors of the two volumes “Fantastic Religions and Where to Find Them.
Nov. 25, 2024 5 p.m. – Fr. Luca Merlo, La figura di Maria in chiave interconfessionale e interreligiosa ..
Friday 16 October 2020, 17:30 (Rome), Zoom
Lorenzo Pérez Yarza “Sol y adoraciones en el Occidente Mediterráneo Romano”