
EU Projects



SAKRA – Permanent Seminar on Ancient Religions

SAKRA – Permanent Seminar on Ancient Religions Organising Committee: Tommaso Poggi, Simona Marchesini Scientific Committee: Alessandro Campus – University of Rome Tor Vergata, Gian Franco Chiai – Université de Limoges, Maria Cruz Gonzáles Rodríguez – Universidad del...


Call for contributions (International multidisciplinary miscellany): Rhaeti&Co. New Multidisciplinary Data on the Tyrrhenian-Etruscan Question Online Round Table, 24th September 2021 As a consequence, in the last 30 years, of the identification of a new Language...

2021-2025: xFORMAL: Informal and non-Formal E-Learning for Cultural Heritage

The xFORMAL project aims to ascertain the impact that informal and non-formal learning and knowledge can have on learners and citizens of all ages and, with this in mind, a tool will be constructed to provide insight into how people learn non-formally or informally in the real and virtual cultural space.

2020-2023: Project Erasmus+ SeLECt “Self-Learning Atlas of Ancient European CulTures”

he SELECT project (Erasmus+ Key Action 2, 2020-2023) aimed to improve the study of ancient history and geography through the multidisciplinary, multi-layered, interactive and easy-to-learn ATLAS of the cultures of ancient Europe before Romanisation. Ancient peoples outside the Greco-Roman world are the ‘minorities of the past’, whose heritage is often neglected by the education system.

ALTERITAS – Interaction between Peoples

Legal and institutional headquarters: via Seminario 8 – 37129 Verona
C.F. 93222050234
Email: info@alteritas.it PEC: segreteria@pec.alteritas.it
IBAN IT27T0503411711000000006481
From 2022 enrolment in the Single National Register of the Third Sector (Decree no. 308 of 05/07/2022).
Dal 2015 iscrizione al Registro regionali delle Associazioni, Enti ed Organismi che operano con carattere di continuità nel settore dell’immigrazione (L.R. 9/90 – art 7), con data 9.11.2015, prot. N° 0454780