International Training School The Epigraphic Text: From context to meaning
5 – 9 September 2022
Online (Zoom platform)
25 hours
Alteritas, the University of Verona, the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, the Northeastern University of Changun, the Academy of Sciences and Letters of Göttingen and the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich are pleased to announce the International Training School dedicated to The Epigraphic Text: From Context to Meaning.
The School of Education will guide students through the challenges posed by a selection of epigraphic texts whose meaning becomes transparent only when considered within their particular context of production and display.
After an introduction aimed at providing basic knowledge on the anthropology of writing, the theory of the act of writing and the different types of epigraphic media, students will firstly be introduced to the various epigraphic cultures covered by the training school, and secondly they will be challenged with a series of case studies that provide a contextualisation of the problems posed by particular epigraphic texts.
Location: The course will be conducted entirely online using the Zoom platform.
Language: Lectures will be delivered in English.
Participants: Undergraduate and graduate students, professors, staff and other professionals with research interests in Ancient History, Epigraphy, Archaeology, Philology and Linguistics and related fields are eligible.
Cost: 70€ for undergraduate students: BA and MA. 100€ for PhDs, post-docs, teachers, etc.
Certificate of attendance: A certificate of attendance will be provided on request.
Enrolment: To enrol, please fill in the following Google form and send the receipt of payment to Dr Cristina Girardi by 15/08/2022 (
Payment instructions:
IBAN: IT27T0503411711000000006481
Reason: TS 2022 [Name + Surname]. [Nome + Cognome]
Organising Committee and Institutions
Alfredo Buonopane, University of Verona
Alessandro Campus, University of Rome “Tor Vergata
Gian Franco Chiai, Institute of History of Ancient Civilisations, University of Changun
Cristina Girardi, Alteritas – Verona
Simona Marchesini, Alteritas – Verona
Gaby Waxenberger, Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Letters, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Daily programme and lecturers Training school epigraphic text