Presentation of the Tempus Tacendi miscellany

Presentation of the Tempus Tacendi miscellany

On 4 December 2023, the presentation of the international interdisciplinary miscellany Tempus Tacendi was held live on Zoom and Facebook. When silence communicates, published in Open Access in July 2023. Video of the presentation is available on the Alteritas YouTube...


Call for contributions (International multidisciplinary miscellany): Rhaeti&Co. New Multidisciplinary Data on the Tyrrhenian-Etruscan Question Online Round Table, 24th September 2021 As a consequence, in the last 30 years, of the identification of a new Language...

Tempus Tacendi: when silence communicates

Anna Chahoud, Alessandro Campus, Gianfrancesco Lusini, Simona Marchesini, Introduction LISTEN/LISTEN READ/READ. Simona Marchesini, Silence and linguistics. Some perspectives of investigation LISTEN/LISTEN. READ/READ Annalisa Di Nuzzo, Ritual silences, existential...