In November 2024 a new European project has started: CORRIGE – Tools to Detect and Mitigate Writing Errors in Secondary Schools (Project N° 2024-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000248221 2024-2027). The CORRIGE project aims to provide secondary school students and their teachers with informal digital tools that can be incorporated into school practice to improve written language performance by reducing writing errors. This will reduce the risk of dropping out of school and difficulties entering higher education or the world of work.
The CORRIGE project sets as important goals combating learning disadvantages, school dropouts and poor basic skills. The ability to identify early an increasing number of students with low performance in written language will enable schools and government institutions to take steps to rethink how writing literacy is taught in a world increasingly characterized by immersion in a technological environment. Writing is a basic skill, and supporting students in literacy and written language will reduce the likelihood of dropping out of school. Recent studies also show that the progressive loss of handwriting skills to digital writing has repercussions in various areas of the cognitive sphere, such as fine motor skills and brain development, memory and learning, creativity and reading ability. In addition, some disadvantaged students with Special Educational Needs, hearing impaired or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and students with writing disorders (dyslexia or dysorthographia) may not be recognized until now, as the general level of mastery of written language may hide these particular disadvantages. Thanks to the tools developed by CORRIGE and Teacher Training, students can be better recognized and supported so as to reduce their disadvantages and increase their proficiency in written language.
– To offer the secondary school world (teachers and students) agile and informal tools to identify various types of difficulties with students’ written language through the production of the CORRIGE Writing Error Atlas and a self-assessment tool;
– To provide students with skills to reduce difficulties with written language and face the school journey with greater self-esteem;
– Reduce, through more thorough acquisition of basic written language skills, the chances of frustration and subsequent school dropout;
– To provide teachers with training on the topic of written language that, together with the tools provided by the project, will enable them to address the problem of writing errors with new perspectives and results.
– Creation of a digital atlas of spelling errors and the history of literacy over time and across peoples.
– Creation of a self-assessment tool to identify the most appropriate emergency measures to reduce spelling errors.
– Publication of the CORRIGE e-Booklet that narrates the project and explains the use of the tools with the experiences of teachers and students.
– Creation of a training package for teachers
– Implementation of a multi-channel dissemination and communication campaign to spread the use of the CORRIGE tools.
Adoption of the informal tools created by CORRIGE will enable secondary school students to implement their school curriculum or professional future by increasing their performance in basic written language skills. It will enable teachers to help students recognize written language problems, identify their causes, and support them in mitigating them. It will be a reference for all citizens who want to learn about literacy, writing and spelling errors.
– University of Genoa: The University of Genoa (UNIGE), the beneficiary of the project, is a public institution with scientific, educational, organizational and financial autonomy. With its 132 bachelor’s degrees, 28 doctoral programs, 44 graduate schools and 27 undergraduate master’s degrees of I and II level, UNIGE offers a truly multidisciplinary educational offering to more than 32,000 students and more than 3,000 international students.
– Alteritas
– Agrupamento de Escolas Emídio Garcia: founded in 1853, is a state institution with a defined mission to make a difference by pursuing innovative, creative and effective practices in teaching and learning.
– CONFAO: The National Consortium for Training, Further Education and Orientation is a nonprofit organization founded in 2007. It is accredited with the Ministry of Education for the professional development of teachers and develops programs to support member schools to improve the quality of education and enhance innovation within the school and vocational education and training system.
– EuroEd: is a non-profit organization based in Iasi, Romania, founded in 1992 with the support of the Soros Foundation and the British Council Romania. It includes a kindergarten, an elementary school, a secondary school and a center for European integration.
– IES Miguel Catalán: is a public center that reports to the Madrid Regional Ministry of Education and is named after physicist and chemist Miguel Catalán Sañudo. Educational offerings include secondary education (ESO), baccalaureate and vocational training (FP).
– Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB, Portugal): is a public higher institution whose mission is the creation, transmission and dissemination of technical and scientific knowledge and professional skills through the integration of study, teaching, applied research and experimental development.
– Università Complutense di Madrid: è un’università pubblica di ricerca con sede a Madrid. Fondata ad Alcalà nel 1293, è una delle più antiche università operative del mondo e una delle più prestigiose istituzioni di istruzione superiore della Spagna.
Link to CORRIGE website.