EU Projects, featured home
In November 2024 a new European project has started: CORRIGE – Tools to Detect and Mitigate Writing Errors in Secondary Schools (Project N° 2024-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000248221 2024-2027). The CORRIGE project aims to provide secondary school students and their...
EU Projects, featured home
The xFORMAL project aims to ascertain the impact that informal and non-formal learning and knowledge can have on learners and citizens of all ages and, with this in mind, a tool will be constructed to provide insight into how people learn non-formally or informally in...
EU Projects, featured home
The SELECT project (Erasmus+ Key Action 2, 2020-2023) aimed to improve the study of ancient history and geography through the multidisciplinary, multi-layered, interactive and easy-to-learn ATLAS of the cultures of ancient Europe before Romanisation. Ancient peoples...